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What should our next 20 slot CS:S server be?
Total of answers: 87


Dear loyal members of Desire Gaming,

Our minecraft server: Desirecraft has now been shutdown as we can no longer afford to pay the bills for a server although this is not the end as we can still get our Minecraft server as long as people DONATE, i have kept a backup of our Minecraft server we still need quite a few donations to pay our bills for the server to bring the server back to being online.

I would like to apologize for all who have donated to the server although it has NOT gone to waste as it was used to keep the server online for a small amount of time and we still have some of the donations but we need more to pay the server bills!

I'm not sure where Desire Gaming will now go from here either shutdown or survive, it's all up to YOU! Please try and donate today so we can bring our minecraft server ... Read more »
Views: 808350 | Added by: Nik | Date: 04 Aug 2011 | Comments (3525)

Dear members of Desire Gaming,

As of 1st of August 2011 we have lost all our votes due to the monthly reset and we really need your votes on both of the websites, Desire Gaming would really appreciate it if everyone could start voting especially on Diamond (2)

We have recently also introduced a new voting system which works by inputting your Minecraft IGN and automatically receiving 15 in-game Gold Coins every time you vote per 24 hours. To receive your 15 free Gold coins at our Survival Mutli-Player server simply click the Diamond (1) and this will lead you to our Minestatus profile page where you can vote, simply enter your Minecraft In-game name at the top of the page then enter the CAPTCHA code and vote!You will now instantly receive your 15 Gold Coins in-game.

Note: You can only receive the coins if you vote at minestatus the ... Read more »
Views: 696067 | Added by: Nik | Date: 03 Aug 2011 | Comments (2670)

Dear members of Desire Gaming! 

Only 2 days ago, Desre Gaming set up a new Minecraft server named Desirecraft, which is already getting crowded! I suggest you go visit it now and have a good time along with our other members. As some of you might know, Minecraft servers can be extremely hard to get going. Therefore, i'd be greateful if you all took a minute to go and vote for our server, so it can get known! I'll set the link in the bottom of this post. Desirecraft is Survival Multi-player server with mcMMO RPG with a lot more mods


Server IP: minecraft.desire-gaming.com:25565

Views: 90876 | Added by: Nik | Date: 06 Jun 2011 | Comments (255)

Hello members of Desire Gaming!

I'm happy to announce that we have received another generous donation from Saith. With this donation, Saith requested a Jailbreak server, which we now have! The server has been added to the Server Page, and i or Saith will create a thread containing Modifications, Plug-ins, Skins and Commands soon. 

I would be very thankful if you all went there and took a look, and try to get it as populated as possible, as soon as possible.



~ Nik.

Views: 14693 | Added by: Nik | Date: 04 May 2011 | Comments (22)

Hello Loyal Members of Desire Gaming,

I would like to start with the good news that we have now got a 14 slot Gun Game server due to all the voting that you have done in our Polls. Gun Game had won by 66% second place was to keep the server as it was Deathrun. Sorry to all those members who voted War-Craft: Source, Free-For-All & Fun Maps. The new server has been chosen only by members of Desire gaming although do not worry hopefully Desire Gaming will one day grow rapidly and we will host servers for every single mod in Counter-Strike : Source and hopefully move into more games such as Garry's mod.

The New Gun Game Server IP

We will have Gun Game Deathmatch, Multi-level, Knife pro & Gun Game Winner.

We will soon have custom skins for the server too.

For additional inf ... Read more »
Views: 18445 | Added by: Nik | Date: 26 Dec 2010 | Comments (17)

Hey Members of Desire Gaming,

It has been six strong solid months since we have opened "Desire Gaming" and you can see what amazing results we have right now we have 3 Counter-Strike : Source servers and over 1000 members in our Desire Gaming steam group the website and forum's are also developing very well and we are starting to get donations from loyal members of Desire gaming. All i would like to say is I the Founder of Desire Gaming & Desire Gaming itself wishes you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New year and may desire gaming carry on growing like it has been doing in the past six months with more loyal members and more donations to keep the community alive.

- Founder of Desire Gaming
Views: 13862 | Added by: Nik | Date: 25 Dec 2010 | Comments (7)

Hello members of Desire Gaming,

We are having second thoughts on our current Deathrun server:

We believe is not progressing very well and I and the server hoster (Saith) have decided to change it although we are opening a Poll to see what the server should be you can vote on the main page so get voting.

Whatever you pick in this poll will overwrite the current Desire-Gaming.com | Deathrun | Fast DL | 24/7 Server and we will have the new mod that been selected. The server will only start with 14 slots so i strongly believe you think before voting.

-Founder of Desire Gaming
Views: 7698 | Added by: Nik | Date: 20 Dec 2010 | Comments (12)

Hello members of Desire Gaming,

We know have a Deathrun server with custom skins and 13 different fun maps. Our deathrun server is hosted by one of our lovely new members Saith please try and get the server active and get running!

Desire-Gaming.com | Deathrun | Fast DL | 24/7:

I will have it added to the Desire Servers page ASAP.

I will also create a forum thread so you can view the maps and available commands and more detailed information about the server.

-Founder of Desire Gaming
Views: 16142 | Added by: Nik | Date: 18 Dec 2010 | Comments (6)

Hello Members of Desire Gaming

The surf server has a new IP address which is:

Everything will be the same except a few Admin addons such as the Chat. Although their are some benefits such as we have fixed the lagg and the random restarts on the server. Everyone's level is unfortunately reset this includes the SourceRPG Level & the rank level. We are terribly sorry of what happened although it's not just one person it is everyone.

Could everyone add the new IP address and get the server busy again.


- Founder of Desire Gaming.
Views: 6860 | Added by: Nik | Date: 11 Dec 2010 | Comments (7)

Hello Members of Desire Gaming

Desire Gaming has just released It's latest and newest Server Called SourceRpg Funmaps

Desire Gaming's Fun Maps server main mod will be 'SourceRpg'

The server will consist of four different types of maps:

-Glass Fun

The Server IP Is:

For more detailed information on the server click here

Hope to see you all online on our Latest and newest Desire Gaming Fun Maps Server.

-Founder of Desire Gaming
Views: 11397 | Added by: Nik | Date: 27 Sep 2010 | Comments (5)

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You can receive 15 free Gold Coins every 24 hours if you vote for our server at Diamond (1). Please also help us by voting at Diamond (2).



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