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What should our next 20 slot CS:S server be?
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Main » 2010 » December » 21 » New Poll for Server
9:02 PM
New Poll for Server
Hello members of Desire Gaming,

We are having second thoughts on our current Deathrun server:

We believe is not progressing very well and I and the server hoster (Saith) have decided to change it although we are opening a Poll to see what the server should be you can vote on the main page so get voting.

Whatever you pick in this poll will overwrite the current Desire-Gaming.com | Deathrun | Fast DL | 24/7 Server and we will have the new mod that been selected. The server will only start with 14 slots so i strongly believe you think before voting.

-Founder of Desire Gaming
Views: 7889 | Added by: Nik | Tags: gaming | Rating: 2.5/2
Total comments: 121 2 »
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A History Of Football Tactics

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West Coast OffenseThe West Coast Offense was the innovation of Bill Walsh, the head coach of the San Francisco 49ers. Walsh had a brilliant quarterback in Joe Montana heading the 49er offense and running backs of limited ability. Instead of trying to establish the run, the 49ers' West Coast offense used the short pass to take the place of running plays. Walsh had Montana throw short passes to wide receivers, tight ends and running backs. This allowed the 49ers to build a "controlled" passing game that allowed them to hold on to the ball, eat up time on the clock and make big plays when they were available. The West Coast offense became a dominant offensive attack in the 1980s and 1990s. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. LIVESTRONG is a registered trademark of the LIVESTRONG Foundation. Moreover, we do not select every advertiser or advertisement that appears on the web sitemany of the advertisements are served by third party advertising companies. cheap nfl jerseys

4 MethodMan  
Nik, i know a very popular deathrun server.
One off the main reasons why it's very popular is that they have a kind of systematic bhop you just have too press jumping and you will keep jumping and go faster and faster the peps overthere like it.
just a idea smile
I will like a deathrun server aswell biggrin

3 VampyreKitty  

1-10 11-12
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