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What should our next 20 slot CS:S server be?
Total of answers: 87


Main » 2010 » December » 25
Hey Members of Desire Gaming,

It has been six strong solid months since we have opened "Desire Gaming" and you can see what amazing results we have right now we have 3 Counter-Strike : Source servers and over 1000 members in our Desire Gaming steam group the website and forum's are also developing very well and we are starting to get donations from loyal members of Desire gaming. All i would like to say is I the Founder of Desire Gaming & Desire Gaming itself wishes you and your family a very Happy Christmas and a wonderful New year and may desire gaming carry on growing like it has been doing in the past six months with more loyal members and more donations to keep the community alive.

- Founder of Desire Gaming
Views: 13862 | Added by: Nik | Date: 25 Dec 2010 | Comments (7)



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