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Nik - Founder of Desire Gaming
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236 ocfcbfhh  
and the visiting team wears their white jerseys

Let me ask you this question: Which jersey is the more attractive of the two jersey for any team. The road or home? Most teams felt that their dark Jersey were more attractive and appealing so the NHL decided to allow teams to wear their nicer jersey at home and their unattractive jerseys on the road. As well, most third jerseys were dark( again, more attractive) so why would you want to wear them on the road so opposition teams only get to see them and your own home city fans only get cheap nfl jerseys to see them on the highlights. it all about the money!

The reason is because of the 3rd jerseys. Generally they are dark colored, and also are usually worn at home games. In order to wear them they would have to ask the visiting team to wear their home "whites", which means that the visitors would have to bring both sets of uniforms on their road trips. To off set this the NHL switched the jerseys, and now the home team can wear either their home "darks" or their 3rd jerseys, and the visitors do not have to being any extra equipment to accommodate this.

It used to be that the home team would always wear white (the home jerseys). Since the NHL took selling the sport seriously, and cashing in on merchandise a real opportunity to offset soaring player salaries, they realized that fans were only buying the home jerseys because they wanted to show their support for their team in their arena.

Teams started alternating jerseys, often wearing their road jerseys angeloaktree.com/we.html at home. Sales of road jerseys rose proving it worked. It cheap jerseys was taken even further with the introduction of a jersey, which you often see worn, to increase potential for sales of jerseys.

Now it seems they don often wear the www.centurionsmc.org/mvp.html white jerseys at home. Part of this is probably because of a number of things, not least of which is the old cowboys movies (cowboy wearing white = good, cowboy wearing black = bad), and that studies have shown that teams wearing dark colors are observed as the more menacing team, and as a result often get more penalties in a game than the team wearing white.

235 steerlemorirjg  
Canadian receiver may draw interest at NFL draft

"I'll be sitting in front of the TV with the phone in my hand hoping to get a call," the Bishop's University receiver and kick returner said from his Brampton home Wednesday.

But the St. Thomas Aquinas High School graduate won't be devastated if his phone stays silent.

"There's talk about me being drafted, but realistically it's pretty hard to come out of Canadian football and get drafted into the NFL," said Turner, who got himself on the NFL's radar when he set a CFL evaluation camp record in March with a 4.31 in the 40yard dash. That time and his vertical leap would have placed him second at the NFL combine.

"All I'm looking for is a chance to sign a freeagent deal after the draft and then see what happens from there," he said.

The 59, 185pound perennial Quebec university league allstar has received attention www.osuwrfc.com/only.html from several NFL teams, including the Philadelphia Eagles and Indianapolis Colts.

While other Canadians, including Concordia linebacker Cory Greenwood and Waterloo offensive lineman Joel Reinders of Oakville, have drawn NFL interest Turner is apparently the only one being considered as a draft choice.

If he gets a shot at the NFL, Turner says he'll take it. But he says he would love to be chosen by the Toronto Argonauts in next month's CFL draft.

"I'll be happy to play pro football anywhere, but my dream is to play in my hometown," he said.

Nebraska defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh is rated No. 1 by NFL nike nfl jerseys cheap scouts, but whether the St. Louis Rams take him first overall is another matter. The Rams are reportedly leaning red bottom shoes toward taking Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford.

The Buffalo Bills draft ninth michael kors purses and could be looking at beefing up their leaky offensive line or even adding muchneeded depth at quarterback.

Head coach Chan Gailey didn't exactly tip his hand Wednesday. Asked if the Bills were going to choose by need or by talent, Gailey said, "We really need to do both."

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